Oppretter nytt finanspoliti
President - og Nobels fredsprisvinner - Barack Obama har fredag ettermiddag presentert planene for en ny tilsynsmyndighet i det amerikanske finansdepartementet.
"We have already seen and lived the consequences of what happens when there is too little accountability on Wall Street and too little protection for Main Street, and I will not allow this country to go back there."
"In a financial system that has never been more complicated, it has never been more important to have a watchdog function like the one we've proposed."
"The new Consumer Financial Protection Agency that I have ask Congress to create, will have just one mission; to look out for the financial interests of ordinary Americans;"
Her er president Obamas kunngjøring:
"Strømlinjeformet system"
I denne videoen fra Det Hvite Hus forklarer leder for president Obamas Council of Economic Advisors, Austan Goosbee, mer om bakgrunnen for opprettelsen av det nye "finanspolitiet".
"This isn't about bigger government, it is not about overregulation, it's about streamlining the rules of the road and creating a clear accountable government office."
Første steg mot stabilisering
Professor Elisabeth Warrren, som leder The Congressional TARP Oversight Panel, sier I et intervju med MSNBC fredag at bedre forbrukerbeskyttelse må være det første steg på veien mot en stailisering av økonomien.
"Remember; we fed these terrible morgages...there were at lot of people who was speculating, but a lot of people got trapped or ticked on these morgages...we fed them in to the financial system, destabilizting american families, destabilizating communities and ultimatly destabilizating the world wide economy."
"We need that consumer agency to say; never again."
"Ønsker å drepe reformen"
Presidenten understreket den store motstanden som er i finansnæringen mot finansreformene, og pekte på at det amerikanske handelskammeret bruker millioner på å "drepe" den.
"A lot of the banks and big financial firms don't like the idea of a consumer agency very much. In fact, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spending millions on an ad campaign to kill it."
Professor Elisabeth Warren oppfordrer folk til å engasjere seg i kampen om finansreformen.
- Nå er tiden inne til å ta kontakt med din representant i Kongressen, sier hun i intervjuet med MSNBC.
"The biggest opposition comes from two groups: The big financial institutions that are making so much money from american families doing their tricks and traps, and the regulators who let them do it."